Naval Criminal Investigative Service

Official Rank List





(Can be promoted once every 15 minutes)

Agent I
Agent II
Agent III
Agent IV
Agent V
Office Agent I (Offi. Agt. I)
Office Agent II (Offi. Agt. II)
Office Agent III (Offi. Agt. III)
Office Agent IV (Offi. Agt. IV)
Office Agent V (Offi. Agt. V)
Head Agent (Head Agt)




Security members take care of Security Stations. They let in members, send recruits to training and make sure to keep trolls from entering the base.

(Can be promoted once every 20 minutes)

Security Officer I (Sec. Offi. I)
Security Officer II (Sec. Offi. II)
Security Officer III (Sec. Offi. III)
Advanced Security Officer I (Adv. Sec. Offi. I)
Advanced Security Officer II (Adv. Sec. Offi. II)
Advanced Security Officer III (Adv. Sec. Offi. III)
Senior Security Officer I (Snr. Sec. Offi. I)
Senior Security Officer II (Snr. Sec. Offi. II)
Senior Security Officer III (Snr. Sec. Offi. III)
​Head of Security (Head of Sec.)



As a part of Trainer Division, members are expected to train eligible recruits and employees.

(Can be promoted once every 30 minutes)

Trainer I
Trainer II
Trainer III
Established Trainer (Estb. Trainer)
Advanced Trainer I (Adv. Trainer I)
Advanced Trainer II (Adv. Trainer II)
Advanced Trainer III (Adv. Trainer III)
Senior Trainer I (Snr. Trainer I)
Senior Trainer II (Snr. Trainer II)
Senior Trainer III (Snr. Trainer III)
Head of Training (Head of Trnr)



The responsibility of High Management is to operate the Front, Security as well as Training stations to provide an example for Standard Ranks. It is also their responsibility to familiarize themselves with promoting Agents and to practice conducting Security training.

(Can be promoted once every 1 hour)

(Can promote up to Security)

​Management Intern (Mgmt. Int.)
​Chief Curator (Chf. Curator)
HQ Progress Reporter (HQ Prog. Rept.)
HQ Supervisor (HQ Suprv.)
HQ Co-Manager (HQ Co-Mgr)
HQ Manager (HQ Mgr)
HQ Overseer (HQ Ovsr.)
​Head Standards (Head Std.)



As a member of Senior Ranks, you are expected to be a great role model to the employees that are under this division. You are also eligible to promote and train until the HM division.

(Can be promoted once every 1.5 hours)

(Can promote up to Trainer)

​Assistant Head of Missions (Asst. HoM)
Head of Missions (HoM)
Assistant Chief Executive Officer (Asst. CEO)
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Assistant Chief Operating Officer (Asst. COO)
Chief Operating Officer (COO)
​Commissioner (Comm.)



These individuals act as a part of senior ranks and their job is to perform assessments, evaluations and monitor the lower ranks. It is also their duty to monitor the progress of procedures within the agency.

(Can be promoted once every 2 hours)

(Can promote up to High Management)

​Immigration Officer (Immi. Offi.)
Head of Immigration (Head of Immi.)
Public Affairs Reporter (Pub. Aff. Rept.)
International Trade Officer (Int. Trd. Offi)
International Banker (Int. Banker)
Consular Assistant (Cons Asst.)
Intelligence Officer (Int. Offi.)
Programme Assistant (Prog. Asst.)
​Inspectorate General (Insp. Gen.)



These individuals act as a part of senior ranks and their job is to perform assessments, evaluations and monitor the lower ranks. It is also their duty to monitor the progress of procedures outside of the agency.

(Can be promoted once every 2.5 hours)

(Can promote up to Senior Ranks)

Foreign Operations Advisor (Frgn. Ops. Adv)
Foreign Service Officer (Frgn. Srvc. Offi)
Foreign Operations Coordinator (Frgn. Ops. Coord.)
Assistant Liaison (Asst. Liason)
Foreign Operations Liaison (Frgn. Opr. Liason)
Lead Liaison
Assistant Head of Foreign Operations (Asst.Head of Frgn. Ops.)
​Head of Foreign Operations (Head of Frgn. Ops.)



Members in the Government division are responsible for promoting and training those in the Senior Ranks division and below. These members are to act as role models for lower ranks, display a sense of professionalism and provide guidance to lower division members.

(Can be promoted once every 3 hours)

(Can promote up to Internal Operations)

​Diplomat (Dpl.)
Committee Member (Cmte. Member)
Committee Director (Cmte. Dir.)
Central Authority Director (Ctr. Auth. Dir.)
Central Education Director (Ctr. Edu. Dir.)
Central Technology Director (Ctr. Tech. Dir.)
Seismological Bureau Director (Seismol. Bur. Dir)
Deputy State Minister (Dep. State Mnst.)
​State Minister (State Mnst.)



These individuals are very high ranked members! They gain access to the new pay scheme and are able to fill the Help Desk in base. OOA members are look up to as role models by the lower ranks and are expected to have high knowledge of the Code of Conduct.

(Can be promoted once every 4 hours)

(Can promote up to Foreign Operations)

Administrative Assistant (Adm. Asst.)
Documentation Analyst (Doc. Analyst)
Profession Officer (Prof. Offi.)
Directional Advisor (Dir. Advisor)
Control Centre Operator (Ctrl. Ctr. Opr.)
Administrative Official (Adm. Official)
Record Minister (Rec.Mnst.)
District Administrator (Dist. Adm.)
Regional Administrator (Reg. Adm.)
International Administrator (Int. Adm.)



The Council division is responsible for helping and maintaining the operational capabilities of NCIS. They are experienced members and are respected by their fellow peers.

(Can be promoted once every 5 hours)

(Can promote up to Government)

Council Member
Office Councillor (Off. Collr.)
Chamber Councillor (Chmbr. Collr.)
Industry Councillor (Ind. Collr.)
Trade Councillor (Trd. Collr.)
Economy Councillor (Econ. Collr)
​Council Leader (Council Ldr.)



The members of the Board of Chairman badge are dedicated and hardworking individuals. They help uphold the Code of Conduct while initiating more promotions and trainings in preparation to become a Senior Management member.

(Can be promoted once every 8 hours)

(Can promote up to Office of Administration)

​​Junior Chairman (Jr. Chairman)
Senior Chairman (Snr. Chairman)
Assistant Chairman of the Board (Asst. Chm of the Brd.)
Chairman of the Board (Chm of the Brd.)



Senior Management is a prestigious division here in NCIS. Members in this division are hardworking and trustworthy, as they will soon be on their way to Trial iC. These members go above and beyond with their work, and are up for any task given.

(Can be promoted once every 18 hours)

(Can promote up to Council)

Trial Senior Management (Trial SM)
Senior Member (Snr. Member)
Junior Moderator (Jr. Mod)
Moderator (Mod)
Senior Moderator (Snr. Mod)
State Director (St. Dir.)
Marketing Director (Mrktg. Dir.)
Senior Commissioner (Snr. Comm.)
​Head of Senior Management (Head of SM)



This is the last division before Trial iC. In this division, members need to prove themselves and show that they are more than ready to be an iC member - by being a leader in HQ and helping others.

(Can be promoted once every 32 hours)

(Can promote up to Board of Chairman)

Commerce Minister (Commerce Mnst.)
Communication Minister (Commn. Mnst.)
Research Minister (Res. Mnst)
Education Minister (Edu. Mnst)
Public Affairs Minister (Pub. Aff. Mnst.)
Foreign Minister (Frgn. Mnst.)
Interior Minister (Int. Mnst.)
Defence Minister (Def. Mnst)
Deputy Prime Minister (Deputy PM)
​Prime Minister (PM)




(Can promote up to Board of Chairman)

It is the trial stage to make sure you are ready to become an iC member





(Can promote up to Senior Management)

President of Security (Pres of Sec) ( Vacant )
President of Trainer (Pres of Trainer) ( Vacant )
President of The High Management (Pres of HM) ( Vacant )
President of The Senior Ranks (Pres of SR) ( Vacant )
President of Internal Operations (Pres of IO) ( XAIXXKX )
​President of Foreign Operations (Pres of FO) ( Vacant )





(Can promote up to Ministers)

Leader of Operations (Ldr. of Ops) ( Vacant )
Leader of Government (Ldr. of Govt) ( Vacant )
Leader of OOA (Ldr. of OOA) ( Kedez0r​)
Leader of Council (Ldr. of Council) ( Vacant )
Leader of Board of Chairman (Ldr. of BoC) ( Vacant )





(Can promote up to Ministers)

Director of Senior Management (Dir. of SM) ( Vacant )
Director of Ministers (Dir. of Minister) ( Vacant )
Director of Presidential (Dir. of Pres) ( Krusty )
Director of Leadership (Dir. of Ldr) ( -J4y )




(Same powers as Board of Directors)



(Can promote up to Presidential with permission)


( .:Metanoia:. )




(Can promote up to Presidential with permission)


Chief of Staff

Chief of Staff
( XiaoHuan )



(Can promote up to Board of Directors with permission from Founding Staff)


Trial Founder
( -Kat )


Senior Founder



(Same power as a Founding Staff when they are not present)

(Can promote up to Board of Directors with permission from Founding Staff)

TheGenTy's Rep

Forever-Yours Rep

Piccar!'s Rep



Founding Father

Founding Mother

Founding Father